Monday, 7 November 2011

Change in Scenery/Standards

So I realize that I am quite possibly the world's worst blogger as I post things about a month late and far and few between but things have been pretty busy as usual. Jordan and anyone else that doesn't feel like reading this novel of a post, there is a reader's digest version at the very bottom as promised and you can look at the pictures on the way down.. there's even captions just for you!!
  But classes have wound down which is absolutely mortifying. I am completely done with classes, then we have a 1 week "study" break, followed by a 2 week exam period. Unfortunately, I have a few exams that are worth 70% of my grade and I wouldn't exactly call my class attendance rate a success but I'm sure it'll all sort itself out. I lucked out and have exams the 17th, 18th, and 22nd of November which leaves a week or two to just live the life before shipping out. However, I still need to call and try and push back my ticket if I can without selling a vital organ to fund it. I had this stroke of geniusness the other day and had the thought to cancel my ticket home and change my ticket to India so I left from here but of course I can't change any departures with my India ticket, just the travel dates. So the good news mom is that I have to come home! Unless I can't get my Indian Visa in time which at this point in time seems pretty plausible unfortunately. But we'll see how things work out, thanks to the Qantas strike resulting in like 20,000 people being grounded a week or so ago on top of another fleet being grounded once the strike was over due to a possible tampering issue it's been absolutely impossible to talk to anyone about changing my ticket so I plan on just going to the airport sometime this week to check out my options.

Aaron and Hazel jumping on my bed the day I moved out :(
Eating ice cream down at the beach when I came back for a visit
  The big news this week is that I have a new humble abode. I was literally "that" girl crying on the train after I left Catherine and Ed's for the last time which makes me nervous for the poor lad that gets stuck next to me on the plane ride home.. the unfortunate soul will surely be covered in tears and snot and will probably just resort to sitting in the aisle to leave me alone in my despair.. but we'll cross that bridge when we get there I suppose. But I have officially moved into Carolyn (the house in Mt. Claremont) with my 3 British friends and Lindsey. As much as I wish I could've stayed with the host fam as they offered a spiderless house, amazing showers, and the most adorable kids to walk this planet, financially it wasn't quite feasible. I miss the Lumb family so much but have had the chance to go back and visit a few times to keep up my necessary doses :) This past weekend I was able to stop by and go with Cath and the kids to the beach where we got ice cream and watched the kids play on the play area. Hazel sat in Aaron's melted chocolate ice cream which resulted in a stain in the most unfortunate place which almost brought Catherine and I to tears from laughing. Aaron has turned into quite the adventurer and could jump off steps for hours it would seem. I was so incredibly blessed to find the best host family anyone could ever ask for and it's going to be so hard to leave them and go home. It'll be nice having this upcoming week off from classes so I can go back and visit for a few days. They have been the best psuedo fam I could have asked for and even gave me the "be safe" talk prior to moving out after there was a runner that got raped in Mt. Claremont coincidentally the night before I moved in. But no worries mom, considering the condition of the shower and lack of hot water at Carolyn I should be smelling pretty rank so I'll be safe from attackers for sure.
good ol' back porch
Lindsey and mines room :)

The lovely kitchen
   Another blessing is that I have made the most amazing friends here and John, Will, and Tom offered Lindsey and I the mattress in the living room as a rent free space. Ryan and Jordan don't worry, there's nothing shady going on... Lindsey and I have exchanged cooking occasionally and cleaning for their generosity. Living in Carolyn is what I would like to call extreme indoor camping. Its quite possibly the best living situation ever as what could be better than living with all your best friends under one roof, and the house gives it a special touch. The living room, aka our bedroom, has a few leaks in it which gives it character but it also has it's own ecosystem which is pretty cool. There's little lizards running around on the windows everywhere as well as spiders. Yes there are Huntsmen spiders which are the most lethal in Australia but they aren't aggressive so as long as we don't roll over on them while we're sleeping we should be good. The only concern I have for the house is the fact that there is only one window that faces the sea which means that here in a week or so when the temp gets above 30 degrees celcius we are surely screwed. It's going to be very very hot in the house but we've already discussed the matter and have a "no judging" policy when it comes to walking around the house in swimsuits or lack of clothes 24/7. I have a feeling that most of our time will be spent on either the back or front porch with the obscenely large lizards and snakes that are lurking in the yard since they haven't mowed it at all. But all and all I'm really excited to spend my last few weeks there.  It never gets old waiting to see what major life fail has happened for Will whenever we hear the patented "ah ah ahhhh" from Will's room. So far he's missed an exam or 2, found out the night before about a 3000 word essay or just the general water spills or wardrobe malfunctions. John walks around in his boxers about 80% of the time he's home and Tom is just indescribable.. he always reiterates that its "exhausting being Tom Russel" and will ask you to lift the cup for him since he can't be bothered lifting it himself to take a drink.
Will with the bike we found down the street.. best. day. ever.

The latest addition to the Nygaard clan.. Ryan and Jordan be scared

  Soo in other news we carved pumpkins a few weeks ago! They aren't the orange pumpkins like we have at home but Lindsey and I thought that it was time we celebrated October proper American style. We also got Simone our Italian friend to join seeing as he has never carved pumpkins before but he toootttally loved it and has promised to spread the trend when he goes home. Mission accomplished. Other events from the week include a pub quiz with a burlesque theme with Lachy and the Engineering Club which was pretty interesting even though we lost. The engineers here are a complete 180 from the engineers at home. For one, they aren't 79% Asian and two, they drink. I lucked out and met Lachy (pronounced Lock-ee, short for Lachlan) at an international student event and he couldnt resist my salvation army clothes I was rocking and I was instantly drawn in to his trash-stache he was sporting.  Fortunately the mustache got shaved after he was done competing for uni games over our break. We also went to the Guild Ball later that week as well which was absolutely amazing. But more photos from the roadtrip have started to pop up so here's a few more to share!

If you look closely we managed to spell out "Australia"

The sea turtles doing their thing

Tropic of Capricorn!! We all signed the back of it as well to leave our mark :)
Waterfall at Karijini National Park
A view from the hike up Mount Bruce
 We also had the End of Semester events this past week which made for a nice end to the semester. I still can't believe it's over, I have no idea how it went by so fast. I made Sam and Maria promise to backhand me if I turned into "that" girl crying in the corner at one of the end of semester events. Thursday night we had a cocktail party at the Subiaco Hotel for all the international students which was way past fun. Apart from Maria and I losing our phones and Sam and I slicing our feet open on broken glass it was an absolutely amazing night. The people that I have met here are all such amazing individuals and I can't wait to cross paths with them again in the future. On Friday there was an end of semester event on Oak Lawn which is
comparable to our quad at the U of I which was absolutely amazing as well. They had tents set up and a band and everyone from uni could come and just hang out on the lawn all day listening to the music and catching up. I got the chance to catch up with Shmanda finally which was amazing so definitely count that as a win for the day. Later that night we all headed to a rave that the Lawyers Faculty hosted which was an amazing time as well. Unfortunately due to my feet being tore up the night before I couldn't wear shoes which resulted in a few more pieces of glass being lodged in my feet but fortunately Lachy's step mom was nice enough to tear off some of their aloe vera plants so I've been putting that on mixed with his rugby tape and they're healing quite nicely :)
  As for now, I am currently procastinating on registering for my last semester of classes :( I never really thought this day would come and I'm so not ready for the future. As we're starting to plan more stuff for the India trip I can't wait for that although I'm scared about my stomach dropping out. Catherine helped me start getting used to curry by making a few curry dishes and ordering some India food while I was there but I'll have to do major stomach conditioning when I return home. Tom graciously offered to just not cook a chicken all the way through in order to prepare but I think I might pass. I also made it to the final interview for Teach for America so that is exciting as well. I also plan on applying for the PeaceCorp still as well as a few teaching or au pair jobs abroad and a 15 month accelerated nursing program with other Sarah as I can't imagine not enduring the pain of nursing school without her. I apologize for the lengthiness.. the guys don't have internet at their house and neither does Lachy so the only access to internet is at uni and I don't have a converter for to use my laptop so I can't upload any photos but hopefully this will suffice!

Jordan- Here is your Reader's Digest version as promised:

Sam's dog that has become pseudo-Syd
    I moved out of my host fam's a few weeks ago, definitely cried over that one. Moved into Mt. Claremont with the 3 Brits and are currently living in their living room. Picture your house, now add a working laundry machine, and take away the infested couch and add a few poisonous spiders and that's basically what we're dealing with here. I'm super pumped for you to come down in a few weeks and I think all of my friends are sick of my countdown I have going. I carved some pumpkins, fell in a pool, have glass lodged in my foot and lost my phone but someone walking their dog found it and returned it. My class attendance is comparable to yours but I guarantee and am willing to bet a tattoo on the fact that I will still get better grades than you. I miss you, please tell Syd I said hi and I miss him too.

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

2 Cars, 9 Friends, 11 days, 4641 km, 1 Glorious Shower

So this may potentially be the longest post of all time.. just a warning but I've had quite possibly the best 2 weeks of my life and I feel like I should adequately document to look back on whenever I'm sitting back in good ol' Illinois in frigid temperatures. The start of this glorious two week span came with the most amazing care package from my family. My mom had mentioned that she had sent one but I was beginning to think the Australian Post Office had confiscated it upon finding out that it contained the secret to happiness and all thats right in the world, aka tomato soup. But my host mum texted me during the day to inform me that in the 20 minute period that I had just left for school and she was returning from taking Hazel to kindi we had somehow missed the package. She was generous enough to drive me to the post office where there was almost a brawl when they were threatening not to give me my package since I didn't have proof of my current address. But after they saw the complete and utter dire distress from being tomato soup deprieved they gave me the package out of the kindness of their hearts. Aaron and Hazel helped me open the package when I got home which contained about 10 cans of tomato soup, crackers, homemade granola, instant coffee, french vanilla creamer, a for sale sign with Sydney-muffin's picture on it (not funny mom!), and pictures and letters from home.  I wouldn't really consider myself a cryer but this brought me pretty darn close to a weeping fool, especially the card from my grandpa. But Hazel and Aaron were way too excited about all the new presents for me to bring down the mood. Within minutes the tomato soup was on the stove, Hazel and Aaron were instantly addicted to the granola which I've had to now move to a shelf in my room out of their reach, and Sydneys picture had been properly displayed in my room. Aaron and Hazel both wanted to try my soup seeing as I'd been raving about it for the past two months and at first really liked it out of the sheer excitement of the moment and then concluded they really weren't the biggest fans. But that was the best present I could ever receive and I've been averaging a few cans of tomato soup a week when I'm home. Thanks again fam, you're the best!
  With tomato soup now pumping through my veins it gave me the motivation to get through all my uni work and planning for our mid-term road trip. We had all tentatively split up the work so that everyone was contributing in some way so that helped massively..sort of. Lindsey sorted out the two rental cars aka shaggin wagons that we were taking on the trip, Maria and I worked on finding petrol stations on the way up seeing as they were going to be few and far between, Will and John were placed in charge of getting walkie talkies for the cars and figuring out what poisonous things would be lurking in and around our destination spots, Ben and Emma were placed in charge of food, Alex was looking into camping gear, and Josef's one job was to stock up on goon and alcohol for the trip, which he failed epically at. Jos did however successfully come up with the name for the roadtrip one night during our pre-lash.. W.E.Y! Pronounced like "way" which stands for Wheeling Everywhere, Yeahhh! Our tentative plan was to go out to Cap S on Wednesday night, wake up Thursday, go get the cars, and head out from Claremont by 5pm latest. As expected, Wednesday turned out to be a little bit more of a night which resulted in all of us being super hungover on Thursday. So instead, we ended up just crashing at Carolyn (the Claremont guys' house) and leaving at 4am on Friday which worked out extraordinarily well.
 Before this novel worthy account starts I would like to recommend just looking at the pictures, especially you Rheanna as it's lengthy. But I guess I should probably give a brief rundown of who everyone is.
Lindsey- The responsible adult of the group and quite possibly the luckiest find ever. We met on the plane over here in line for the bathroom and now we're going to be living together in the guys' living room.. who knew!
Maria- She's Welsh but don't tell her that.. apparently she doesn't agree with the sheep-shagging rep they have so she tries to deny her roots. Quite possibly one of my favorite people though, she's pretty much my drinking partner in crime.
Emma- Super chill awesome Canadian that has the best taste in music ever and has now turned me onto the magic that is hidden Canadian artists.
Ben- Oh Ben, the love of my life/the stealer of my shorts all trip. He's from Canada as well and is basically the kid that can never sit still and has to run and jump on everything.
Alex- Ben's Norwegian twin essentially when it comes to running and jumping on everything. If we couldn't find him while we were hiking all we had to do was find the most dangerous spot for any person out of their right mind to go and sure enough, there he'd be.
John with his birthday hat
John- British rugby player that you would pin as being super macho but he's actually deathly afraid of spiders and locked Lindsey in the car with a Huntsman spider that had been crawling on Ben in the car. Great guy though :)
Will- Oh Will, so many fails. This poor British kid was probably one of the highlights of the trip. There was always something, his boxer button falling off, his pants ripping so he'd have to wear 3 pairs of boxers as shorts, his sleeping bag ripping, and various other things but a great lad all around.
Josef- Pronounced Yos-ef.. he get's reallllly aggravated if you say it wrong. But another Brit that has a mild obsession with goon and even used the goon bags as pillows for the trip.

 Day 1
Lindsey packing the shaggin wagons the night before
 For the most part, Friday consisted of just driving. Lots and lots of driving. However, it was a very scenic drive and it gave us a good chance to see the actual outback. With the car rental place we found, drivers had to 21 yrs + and could only drive the car they were registered to so Lindsey and I were the sole drivers of our car which we will rename the Shaggin Wagon now that I realize how much of my family is reading my blog, and Ben and Alex were the drivers of Fiona. We were able to work out a pretty good driving system where Lindsey and Ben would drive together seeing as they were the responsible adults of the trip and Alex and I would drive together so that we could speed around and play car tag along with other shannigans. We only got lost once the first day and we'll go ahead and blame that whole ordeal on the guys' directional skills. We only went about an hour out of the way and ended up seeing fields full of wildflowers which was gorgeous. It was pretty spectacular that we got lost seeing as there are literally only 2 roads in the outback and we successfully found the other one. But other than that things went without a hitch. We were able to make it a solid 9 hours into the trip before we decided to stop and set up camp. In  Australia, it is perfectly legal and socially acceptable to just pull along the side of the road and set up camp and they have places to pull over and park specifically for this reason which is extremely handy. They had a few campgrounds accessible on the way up, but we figured that we didnt really need to pay to sleep on the ground and with there being a fire ban along the coast it worked out much better to do it somewhat illegally on the side of the road for free.

  The first night we camped was a great way to start the trip off. We were able to get a fire going without a problem which amazed the brits to no end seeing as everything is wet all the time in England and they're used to a ridiculously long process instead of the "throw a few rocks in a circle and break a branch off" technique. We had stocked up on copious amounts of pasta before the trip and had packed several pots, pans, and dishes as well seeing as there would be next to no civilization along the way. At first we were pretty cautious about cleaning up after dinner and would boil water that would be used with dish soap to wash up but after the first night we slowly resorted to just using regular water which by the end of the trip turned into saving the dishes until we found a beach and we'd just wash everything in the ocean and make sure to dust off the dried salt and sand before we ate off them.
 After dinner, we all sat around the camp fire and just talked and drank while looking up at the stars. I'm used to seeing a lot of stars out in the country at my grandpas but absolutely nothing can compare to how amazing the sky was when we were camping. As most things about this trip, it's completely indescribable. We also made a bucket list where each of us wrote something we wanted to do over the course of the trip on a piece of paper and threw it into an empty goon cup, or in Alex's case Emma's full goon cup. The items of the bucket list included everything from climbing a mountain to mooning a truck driver (which all of us knocked out the first night, even Jos when he thought a car was a cop on a bicycle).
Day 2
 After surviving the first night in the tents we headed out around 8am to continue the drive up to Karijini National Park. Upon our arrival we looked like quite the crew already seeing as it had only been one day and we were completely covered in red dust and one big dirt ball. National Parks are fairly cheap to stay at and usually have pretty decent amenities however when we went to pay we found out that all the showers were conveniently broke and out of service. After we parked the cars at our campsite we went to go explore for a little bit and found the most amazing water pool I've ever seen. Once again, it was completely indescribable. Karijini can be compared to the US equivalent of the Grand Canyon, but is a million times better. The pool was absolutely crystal clear and had a waterfall and was surrounded by the gorge and amazing trees and plants. It was literally a sight from a postcard (literally.. I bought the postcard). We immediately jumped in and swam around for a bit and sat along the rocks the waterfall was coming down while some people climbed the side of the gorge (Alex and Ben) and jumped down into the water while some of us attempted to climb but just fell in (me). The only downfall to the pool was the discovery of the leeches.. they were for the most part all small but they were everywhere which was slightly unpleasant but no one died.

  After an hour or so of swimming we headed back to set up the camp site as it gets dark around 6ish here during their "winter". After getting the camp set up, we discovered where the free grills were and cooked dinner and drank some goon. This was also the night that we discovered 2 important things.. 1) the game of charades and 2) Alex had never seen a shooting star in his 23 years of life. Charades quickly shaped our whole entire trip. We played it literally every single night and then created "extreme" charades which we did while hiking in the gorge, out the car windows, underwater, pretty much everywhere that could be imagined. It  kept pretty interesting seeing as we had quite the international group so there were a lot of movies most of us had never heard of, about 80% of which came from Will and that he referred to as "the classics". We also discovered that Alex had never seen a shooting star which led to a heated debate about how he doesn't believe in shooting stars and us trying to explain that it's not a religion but a scientific phenomenon.

Sign demonstrating the proper way to jump in the  water

 Day 3
We basically woke up at about 6am every morning as the sun would always come up and the crows and birds here can be compared to nothing else of this world. We went for what turned out to be like a 6 hour hike down to the Circular Pool in the gorge which was at to be expected, absolutely breath taking. The Circular Pool also started what seemed to be a series of epic fails on Will's part, especially in the wardrobe department. Most of the guys just went swimming in their boxers but it was Will that caught up outside of the pool talking to an old man, who was wearing a speedo, for about 20 mins while the rest of us swam. After he finally jumped in he quickly realized that he had lost a button on his boxers which led to him wearing them backwards for the rest of the trip which was pretty epic. After swimming, we ate lunch on the cliff and played charades for about a solid hour. The other people doing the hike seemed to get a kick out of us seeing as we were all dressed in either our fancy dress clothes or had switched with someone else on the trip.. my shorts looked way better on Ben than his on me I might add. When we got back to the campsite we were surprised to find that the we shouldn't have taken the warning to keep our rubbish bags in the cars away from dingoes lightly as all of our trash bags were ripped open. We have raccoons.. they have dingoes.. just can't escape it. Seeing as we still hadn't found showers we decided it best to go for a swim before bed and it was then that we found another water pool in the gorge that was yet again absolutely breathtaking. We took this opportunity to knock 2 more items off the bucket list, skinny dipping and swim under a waterfall. We also forgot how clear the water actually was though and completely neglected to realize the elderly couple that was sitting a few meters out from the pool which made for some interesting looks upon exiting.. After dinner that night, we all just laid around after playing a drunken game of charades with some of our Norwegian friends that were staying at the same camp site and that was when Alex saw his very first shooting star. I have never seen so much pure and utter happiness in my life, I'm not sure exactly how it took that long seeing as the rest of us were seeing on average7-10 a night but it was quite the event nonetheless.
 Day 4 
Jos with the book everyone that climbs signs
So this was the day we decided that we would go ahead and start the 8 hour journey over to the beach and on over to Coral Bay. But before we would leave Karijini behind us we decided to go ahead and make journey and complete the 6 hour climb to Mount Bruce, the second highest mountain in Western Australia. Things got off to a rocky start as while we were driving illegally up the unpaved road to get to the trail we saw our hub cap roll past us but overall it was yet again another amazing experience. We didn't particularly plan for the hike as well as we probably should have but no one died so I'll go ahead and just add that to the Winning List. For starters, while we were starting the hike up the mountain there were probably 3 or 4 groups that had just got done climbing and were heading down as it was approaching the hottest part of the day. We were also fairly hungover and I don't think anyone was in the appropriate attire. We were wearing our op shop (salvation army) party clothes like we had been doing for the majority of the trip and then Will had yet another wardrobe fail which led to him climbing Bruce in his boxers and him leaving his pants on top of the mountain as a way of showing who was actually boss. Once we made it to the top of the mountain there was not only just the completely breathtaking view but there was also a really cool box that contained a book that we all got to sign and even some odds and ends that people had left, a condom being the most memorable... lads. But apart from a few miss-steps everyone survived the ridiculous terrain and it made me realize how much I really need to starting running again even though it's not particularly favorable in this heat. After we conquered Mount Bruce we drove for a few hours just to get a start on the journey towards Coral Bay and did the standard pull off on the side of the road, play some football (american and rugby) and frisbee, make some dinner, drink some goon, and pass out.

All the guys on top of Bruce..such a lovely bunch

Sweet sweet victory :)

Day 5
awesome red dirt line
So this was the day I found my first baby dread. After not showering for 5 days and not even attempting to brush my hair in the slightest I found the start of my first dreadlock which made me pretty ecstatic but also showed how much we all needed to bathe. So we started out for the beach but then fortunately, Josef had been looking at the map and discovered that there was a town called Winning which was basically written in the stars for us to visit. So we made the 40 minute detour to only find a small building with Winning Pool T.L.E. Building written on it that was surrounded by an electrical fence and phone booth containing one of the biggest spiders I've seen in my life. After a quick photo op we were on our way to Coral Bay which was the most glorious day of my life. As we pulled in we just made a full out sprint to the beach and we all jumped in as if we were modern day Baywatch. After swimming for an hour or so and exploring we finally showered. It was glorious. It was epic. It was everything I could've dreamed of and more. It also took place in a shower that was molding with all four of us girls huddled around one shower head trying to rub off 5 days worth of red dirt from us. But everything was right in the world following that. We went and made dinner and tried to look around the area to see if there were any spots open in the hostel or the campsite but everything was hell expensive so we gave up. It's about a $300 fine for camping on the side of the road by the beach since a tourist zone or something like that so we had to drive an hour out just to find a side of the road free spot and so we decided that we would just change our plans a little bit and drive more north to Exmouth the following day and see what it had to offer.

Maria showcasing the most magnificent shower to date

The result of our hour detour to Winning, WA.. totally worth it

Days 6-10
 So it's all kind of a blur seeing as I'm super late writing this, I also dropped my camera in the cooler so there's a few undocumented days. My b..  Basically we started at Exmouth which is all the way north on the coast and just worked our way down the coast back towards Perth. We were able to hang out all day the beaches along the way and just camp on the side of the road or in one case a National Park for fairly cheap. All the places we went offered really cool excursions and stuff that you needed to sell and organ for but we got so lucky with everything as we just kinda stumbled upon the coolest stuff ever. We were driving along by Exmouth and saw this really cool lighthouse so we went to explore and from the view you could see the whales in the harbour which was amazing to see. We also stopped at some random beach because we thought we saw Alex's roomies kite surfing and ended up finding the beach completely deserted apart from the 50+ sea turtles that were all mating in the water. It was the coolest thing I've ever seen and we were so incredibly lucky just to stumble upon it. We slept on the beach a few nights (illegal) and just watched the stars and just spent the days swimming and snorkeling. For those that can actually breathe through their mouths and not panic, there was a lot of cool stuff to see snorkeling such as stingrays, jellyfish, sea urchins, and various fish. I however suck at snorkeling so I did a lot of walking along the beach and exploring.  All of the beaches were so incredibly gorgeous and secluded for the most part, I think there was only one beach that we went to that had more than just the 9 of us there so we lucked out hardcore. We also lucked out that we didn't hit the stray cows, sheep, kangaroos, or emus that would just randomly be chilling in the road on the otherside of a hill. We only had one real close encounter with a kangaroo almost jumping out in front of us but some of our other international friends that went travelling weren't so lucky and there were a lot of dead roos on the side of the road. Also, at some point during those days while we were hiking in Exmouth Jos finally got back at me for the other times on the trip that I had "iced" him and it was the worst experience of my life but probably well deserved. "Icing" is the frat-tastic/moronic act of hiding a Smirnoff Ice somewhere and whoever finds it had to immediately drop to one knee and chug it on the spot, so really inconvenient in the morning when a roomie hides in the shower. But I successfully hidden some in Jos's sleeping bag, cooler, and jacket so I guess my time was overdue.

Please note, no harpooning allowed

Day 10
 So on our last day we had it set up so we were only a few hours out from Perth. The day before we stopped at a beach in Geraldton.. or Geral-tron and Lindsey's dyslexia likes to refer to it. It was bittersweet because we were able to find a local tav playing the rugby game and get a cold pint but it was also civilization. We had only showered once on the trip and it was about 5 days before this so we were getting a lot of questionable looks and the fact that we all hadn't changed clothes in about 4 days didn't help either. But we were able to watch the game and then we cooked our last meal together on Champion Beach (so fitting). After washing the dishes in the ocean we drove a few hours out where we thought was a free campsite. However, Will had been the one to suggest this campsite so we should've known right away. Of course the place wasn't free and there wasn't a free place within a 2 hour radius. So we did the reasonable thing and found some random beach to set up camp on and booked it early in the morning. Coincidentally we found on the map that we stayed at Kangaroo Point which was inbetween Hangover Bay and Thirsty Point.. how fitting!

The Last Supper :(

 Day 11
 After waking up early to book it off the beach it was only a 20 min drive to The Pinnacles which was our last stop on the roadtrip. The Pinnacles are these really cool limestone rocks that formed a long time ago and are just randomly chilling in Australia and are considered something you should see while by Perth. It was roughly 6am when we got there and we didnt have time to make breakfast and we had also ran out of food so we all popped open an Emu Export (the equivalent to Keystone Light) and went for the 1km walk around The Pinnacles. Don't get me wrong, they were some cool rocks, but they all looked the same, it was 6am, and we hadn't showered in 6 days so we just stayed their briefly then started the trek back to Perth. Along the way, we stopped at one last place for petrol and all just sat out in the petrol station lawn with our coffees soaking in the last of our freedom. As great as a shower and a bed to sleep in sounded, we all weren't quite ready to be back in civilization. Fortunately we made it home safely, no one died, no roos were hit, and we made it back in time for Sunday sesh at the Claremont Hotel. We were all utterly exhausted but tradition just couldn't be broke so we ended the trip with where we started, having a few drinks with friends in Claremont. Honestly this was the best trip of my life which can definitely be attributed to the amazing people I spent it with.

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Waiting for Karma to Kick In..

Hazel aka my mini-me
Well today marks my official two month anniversary of being in Australia and also marks one of my luckiest days ever. Not only did I make it to my 9am lab, but we got to "observe" aka just play with kids for two hours, then I made it to my 12pm where we got back our exams that I thought for sure I bombed undoubtedly, to my surprise I got a 69 which on Australian scales is actually pretty good. I went to go get a celebratory drink in the tav which then led to an intense game of pub quiz/skipping my 2pm class. But it was totally worth it, not only did we make "honorable mention" in the boat drawing portion but we also won a miniature pony, jim beam lanyards, and free jim beam and bourbon... reinforcing the fact that good things happen to those that choose drink over class. But we're getting ready to embark on our big journey in a few short days, so there's a lot of last minute planning going on but for the most part we're all set! We don't really have it set in stone where exactly we'll be staying at during this 11 day endeavor but we do have two cars, nine people, two tents, six ipods, speakers, a fairly accurate map, and enough goon (cheap wine) to make it to Coral Bay. We leave Thursday assuming Lindsey and I can safely drive the cars from the middle of Perth to the guys' house in Mt. Claremont in one piece.. Bahh so close! So excited! We've pretty much established the dress code for this trip to be solely swimsuits and the outfits we bought for our "op shop" (goodwill equivalent) party this past Friday. There's hardly any room for bags with all the sleeping bags and goon boxes so the four of us girls all have to share one bag so it should be really interesting to see how hygiene works out.  But back to this weeks events!
They start em' young here :)

  So I can't really remember what happened this week due to the fact that my brain is officially fried but one big event was my host aunt's birthday which was a lot of fun. It was just the family over but her kids and Hazel and Aaron get along so well and they had one big dance party. We successfully taught Hazel not only how to do the classics such as the disco, the lawnmower and the shopping cart, but we also introduced her to the bricklayer, big fish little fish, and many other classics. It was quite the good time to say the least.

Aaron in his Woody mask
He's got a matching Buzz one as well :)
Aaron and his marble kit that he can
play with for hours on end
Dropping trou in the middle of the bar.. no big deal
 Another big event was the Op Shop party which led to lots of (barely) memorable moments. At one point I just remember looking around the dance floor and seeing all the guys standing in a circle with their pants at their ankles, apparently its the standard procedure for when a certain song comes on.. definitely cant complain about that one :) But the next day we had another surfing lesson. I think I'm starting to get the hang of it but definitely still need some work. The guy, Phil, could tell as soon as we all walked up that we
The aftermath of the night before
were having an "off" morning seeing as we could all barely open our eyes and our group of 20 had dwindled down to about 8 but other than a seaweed invasion it was really good. We move beaches when we get back from the trip seeing as the waves will be better at Scarborough so I might die there, but no worries Mom you can still have Bertha! I've also fallen in love with rugby since I've been here, sorry American football but you just aren't cutting it for me here. Unfortunately I have to miss the US play Australia on Friday since we'll be on the road but I'm sure we can all predict the outcome of that one..
  As far as life reflections I've decided I'm essentially screwed when I get home. It'll be winter, it won't be Australia, and I have to graduate.. maybe..note to self: check on graduation status this week. But fortunately I've been doing a lot of research and have figured out a few different options on how to get out of the US immediately following and even get paid for it so watch out world here I come.. hopefully. I'm still super torn about whether or not I should just suck it up and do nursing school now with Sare-Bear or just get out there for a little while and see what happens.. Oh well. I've been racking my brain to figure out a way to extend and stay the year in Australia but that means renewing my visa, finding someone to sublet my apartment at home, selling a kidney to afford it, and figuring out how to graduate from here.. so plan b just go to nursing school here in Oz (Australia)! Or they have a program here similar to Teach for America that I need to find more info on ASAP.
My future bedroom which also acts as the family dining room
  In other news, I will be moving in with the Brits the second week of October which means leaving my amazing host fam which I'm super upset about. But the guys have generously offered up their living room to me and Lindsey to live in rent free in exchange for 1 homecooked meal a week each and cleaning.. which is hopeless. I'm super excited to spend my last months here with them as they've truly become my best friends here, now we just need to convince Maria to move in and life would be perfect. Their house is everything I could ever dream of and more.. there's huntsmen spiders (deadliest spider in Australia) chilling in the living room/Lindsey and mine's future room along with several roof leaks, a pile of porn that could last until the millennium that they found on the side of the road, the shower has about 4 minutes of hot water and turns off if another faucet in the house gets turned on, the kitchen sink is out of commission due to the leak in the pipes that have rotted the floor, so all dishes (also found on the side of the road) are done with cold water in the "laundry" room sink, there's a line out back to hang the clothes on which you have to trek through in knee high-lizard infested grass to get to. Its honestly everything I could ever dream of and more, Lindsey and I are looking at it as extreme indoor camping.. but living with them should leave me with enough money for a few more roadtrips and also let me enjoy these last months to the fullest. I've already shared the sad news with the host fam and now all thats left to do is to find a mattress on the side of the road for Lindsey and I and to clear the porn out of our future dresser. Unfortunately I looked into sending my big suitcase home so I didnt have to lug it around but the cheapest I've found is about $480.. not feeling that so much so I'll just have to lug it around which should be super. I also need to call about moving my ticket. I have managed to make a doctor's appointment this week.. riveting I know. But this is my first doctors appt since my high school physical and even that consisted of my aunt filling out my form in her living room for me. I absolutely loathe going to the doctors and am a firm believer in how magnificent the body is and its ability to self heal with time and alcohol assistance. But it's gotten to the point where I can't swallow and can't breath at night because my tonsils are so swollen so I guess it's about that time to suck it up and check out what the Australian physicians have to offer. No worries mum, I got it all under control :) But I think I've written enough useless info and successfully avoided writing my 45 minute presentation on Sex and Lust Metaphors in the Chagga Tribe which is actually pretty fascinating. But I love you madre!

PS- I think the post office discovered the soup you sent me and confiscated it seeing as its a miracle in a can.. please send more?

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

A Swift Slap of Reality

 Well I didn't think that it was conceivably possible but I have actually hit a slump in Australia. I'm not sure if its the combination of not being able to breath/swallow or coming to the realization that I'm graduating when I return home but I guess you could say I've hit a wall. Granted it was a very low wall built most likely of sawdust as it was merely a half-day slump but one that I never saw coming regardless. I hadn't talked to Amanda in quite awhile but we skipped our uni responsibilities for the day and went into Perth to go walk around and enjoy. It was much needed "Amanda Time" but it also made me realize that I do have to go home at some point. I feel like I've lived in such a utopia since May and a glimpse of reality set in yesterday. This past summer was honestly the best one of my life and I think that it's completely attributed to the people I was constantly surrounded with as well as the complete euphoria of knowing Australia was only a few short months away. I went to work everyday with my best friends and came home to my best friends while back at home and then came straight to Australia which is completely undescribable. I have the best friends here as well, an amazing host family, and I have the chance to explore the world all on my own. However, reconnecting with Amanda made me realize that there is life after Australia and it's something I need to figure out sooner rather than later. In a little over a week I'll be going on an amazing 10 day road trip up the north coast with all of my best friends that will include everything from camping and hiking to surfing and whale watching. However, upon returning from the trip it will already be October and will mark a 2 month milestone until I have to return. Also, most of the nursing school applications that I've looked at are due in November which gives me little time comparatively to figure out what I want to do with the rest of my life. So after being faced with all these grand life decisions I was fortunate enough to have a night in with friends to put my mind at ease. Along the lines of everything happens for a reason, my friends host dad read my horoscope that basically read to the effect of "stop stressing about your life outcome and live for the moment". I've decided to take this as one gigantic sign pushing me into the direction that I've been leaning towards all along, I'll apply for a few nursing programs all around the country as a back up but apply for teaching english abroad programs as well as several nonprofits and just take a year off. I don't plan on finding an apartment for next year or making any type of living arrangements even though I no longer have a room at my house but I'm sure things will fall into place as that's the way that things usually work out. If all else fails I've resolved to get some sweet ass dreads and just backpack until work finds me.. fool proof!
 But anywho, this past week and a half have been pretty solid as usual. We were able to finally make it into a bar with everyone at one time which is no easy feat. Sorry to continue on about the bar scene here but it just completely bewilders me sometimes. I've already expressed my contempt at the price differences but the overall idea of being kicked out or not let in on the basis of having "too" much just baffles me. In good ol' Chambama the more plastered you are the better, it just means they can collect some innocent drunks $5, rely on them to think they're invincible and buy a few drinks once inside only to spill them and be carried home.. overall a great business deal on their part. Here however, if it looks like you've had more than two drinks prior to coming you aren't getting let in at all, they also check bags, do an iris or fingerprint scan, and take your picture. They also cut you off and wont sell you beer if they think you're within a few drinks of reaching your limit. Absurd. I've almost been not let in on numerous occasions because they think I've reached my limit based on how big my eyes are.. it takes one of my british friends to explain that that's just the way my eyes are and that I've just got the patented "glazed American look". This past week however we were able to see the differences in dress codes. Our friend Alex wasn't let in based on the fact that he was wearing khaki shorts. Seeing as there was a group of like 12 of us we decided it wasn't worth it to give up and go home so I donated my leggings I was wearing under my dress and he stripped down in the parking lot and put those on instead, fortunately the bouncers were so impressed at his attempts we got in everywhere we went.. such a good night! Especially since he put the leggings on inside out so his tag was sticking out, he was definitely one of the most popular people at the pubs :)
Stevo's package and all it's glory
 Also this week was Lindsey's birthday and words can't express how jealous I am that she gets to spend her birthday here, so I've decided to celebrate my half birthday.. whoo hoo September 21st! Only I've decided I'm no longer going to age so I will be celebrating the 6 month anniversary of my 21st birthday instead. Ingenious. Cards and tomato soup sent via mail are highly encouraged :) I also received my first package this week from Stevo which was a God-send. I had mentioned to him beforehand the bizarre phenomenon of them not having red solo cups here or cheap ping pong balls so sure enough, a few days later I get a little bit of heaven on my doorstep. I debated immediately chucking the gift at the sight of the last name he assigned to me (Stevo-you're still in trouble for that one) but upon reading the content description I couldn't contain my excitement any longer. I think Catherine was amazed at how happy a pack of 50 red plastic cups and a few dozen ping pong balls could make me but I don't think people not from the US or Canada fully appreciate their potential. So I plan on busting out my amazing gift this weekend :)
  This past weekend I also got to go surfing for the first time ever.. and I'm still alive! In one piece! I was a little bit concerned with my severe lack of balance and inability to swim but the instructors were super helpful and it's one of those "just go see what happens" learning techniques anyways. We made the mistake of going out the night before of course and had to wake up at 8am to go hop on a train to the beach so we were all a little groggy but it turned out to be an amazing day. The weather was perfect and they gave us all wet suits and a foam board to learn on. It was only $25 which included renting all the stuff and 1.5 hours in the water which is by far the cheapest we've found and ultimately a good thing considering. Phil, the owner guy, just operates out of his van that's parked in the parking lot by the beach and is really nice. After we all went surfing we just spent the day at the beach, playing weird british rugby type games in the water and had a huge barbie (there was about 20 of us) later on in the afternoon. Btw, they don't have hot dogs here, they think they do, but they're impostors, don't be fooled. We were all completely wiped by the end of day so we all just had a chill out night over a few bottles of wine and some good ol' mac n cheese.. which is totally different here as well. But we're going again this Saturday and then we'll be up the North Coast next Saturday for our term break trip and hopefully surfing up there. We also found a really great deal on kite surfing too so I picked up my broski and Jake some tickets for it as well for when they come down and visit.. super pumped!
  Our "term break" (aka spring break) plans are finally starting to come along and I'm super excited! As of yesterday it was over 80 degrees in Coral Bay which is one of our stops along the trip. We officially have two station wagons booked and ready to go thanks to Lindsey. The shaggin wagons also come with a tent each, as well as cooking gear, mosquito nets, and a table and chairs and seeing as there's 10 of us going it was super cheap to rent them out for the full 10 days as opposed to shelling out for a plane ticket. We've also decided to decorate the cars too before we go so we've picked up some sweet as Australian flags to stick out the window. We've been looking for US, Canada, and British flags to fly as well so we're all represented but no such luck..shocker. Our tentative plans right now are to leave Perth around 4 or 5pm on Thursday night and start the 17 hour trek to Karijini National Park. We'll be stopping places both Thursday and Friday night to stay along the way but there are few concerns with the drive. The first one being the whole issue of not being able to drive at dusk, dawn, or night due to the overwhelming kangaroo problem, especially where we're going which is essentially the middle of nowhere for a solid 15 hours. There kangaroos are very similar to our deer, minus the fact that they're like 100lbs heavier and a few feet taller and can do way more damage to your car then turn around and roundhouse kick you to death. Well not so much the last part but I'm sure it's been done. But yeah, they travel in packs/herds of anywhere from like 30-100 so if we get caught in the dark during a kangaroo street crossing party.. could be disaster. Another disaster is the fact that I'm one of the 5 drivers. I looove driving and would consider myself a good driver considering I've never had a ticket.. a few warnings yes, but no tickets! But they drive on the opposite side of the road here on the opposite side of the car, I still find myself bracing expecting to go straight into oncoming traffic on the bus when we make a right turn, but there's a few brits on the trip so they can remind me and I'm planning on marking a big L on my left hand as a constant reminder. But our first stop on the trip is Karijini National Park which looks absolutely breathtaking
Coral Reef :)
 We plan on spending a few days there to hike and go see all the waterfalls and such. Camping will be interesting as you can't have fires at all so we're not quite sure how to work out the light situation seeing as we'll have no electricity whatsoever and the bugs are also really bad here so should be a good time eh? They also don't have treated water and its like $2 for a 40 second shower.. which I take to mean as (a) drink lots of beer to stay hydrated and (b) lots of swimming! But after that we'll head on west and slightly more north to Coral Bay which is park of Ningaloo.

At Coral Bay they have everything from snorkeling and surfing to whale watching as we're going at the perfect time of year I guess as far as marine life goes.. although I think we just missed the sea turtles laying eggs.. oh well maybe next time :) After Coral Bay we're just gunna wing it and see what happens. There's a lot of cool places down the coast on our way home and we'll have about 4 days to get from Coral Bay to Perth and it's only a 14 hour drive-ish so we're hoping to stop at Monkey Mia and the Pinnacles if time allows. We figure we can camp wherever and everything we've seen is super cheap, only about $10/night so thats about $1/person. We're not too concerned about finding a place to stay as much as we are about finding a place to fill up on petrol.. apparently petrol stations are scarce on the way up with the way we're taking.. which is the only way I might add.. so if you see a station you absolutely have to stop and fill up because you have no idea when the next station may be.. and although spending all of break camping out along The Great Northern Highway with the gigantic kangaroos seems like a blast, I really really wanna go hiking and surfing as well :) But we leave exactly one week from today and I'm super pumped.. Catherine and Ed are letting me take one of their sleeping bags and then all 4 of us girls are sharing one bag to put our stuff in as there's like zero room in the cars. The guys have already forewarned us that due to the heat they'll be living in their boxers the whole time (including the 17 hour car ride up) and not wasting the money on showering, alcohol only.. should be a good time.. until they die of sun poisoning and dehydration.. but alls well that ends well right?

My Superb Homework Helper :)
Hazel's Portrait/Masterpiece of me
 Sorry this blog is forever long, Jacob and Rhea here's your mini novel yet again. I also forgot my camera for everything this week so sorry about that Rheanna, you might actually have to read.. scary I know :) But I did get a picture of Hazel after we had our drawing session. She decided that she wanted to help me with my bioenergetics homework which turned into a mini drawing lesson. She has discovered my glasses that I wore for the Geeks n' Freaks bar crawl and thinks its crucial that she wear them to see, lens knocked out and all. She also has developed quite the affinity for my green satchel and likes to wear that around the house as well so I find it usually with a few of Aaron's toy cars and a rolling pin from her play kitchen upon it's return but she's absolutely adorable. She loves to look at my pictures before she goes to bed so we usually make a deal that she can look at 3 or 4 pictures before she goes "none-eyes". She loves the one with my mom and me at the airport before I'm getting ready to leave and any other picture which involves someone giving me a "cuddle" which is much better than explaining to her why I'm drinking so many cans of "water" in my pictures. But the only pictures I managed this week are from our mini drawing lesson.. sorries! But they're super cute so enjoy! 
  Miss you mom! Love you!